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This is when we first arrive to the jobsite.
This particular pool was backfilled with a poor soil base.
We excavated and removed the bad soil from around the pool until we reached a good gravel base. This is done to prevent cracking in the concrete decking.
We removed about 12” of the inadequate soil all the way around the pool.
Here, we bring in processed gravel to build up the ground until we are at the proper height.
At the same time, we install our wood forms to the proposed patio dimensions.
In smaller areas, we use wheelbarrows and spread the gravel by hand.
As the gravel is spread in thin layers, a plate compactor is used to compact the gravel into place.
Using steel rakes, we grade the gravel until we have a perfect height to achieve four inches of concrete from the coping to the formwork.
This is finished graded.
Next, we place the welded wire mesh inside the formwork.
This is used to strengthen the concrete.
We use our own “black forms” that we created to bend perfect radius corners and any freeform shapes. This pool deck is now completely formed and graded and ready for pouring concrete.